A small school with a big heart, Ursuline Academy in Dedham, Mass. created a joyful event that united students, faculty and staff in raising awareness and funds for cancer research.
The Pink Glove Dance is a video showing an exuberant cadre of pink- gloved girls dancing their way through locker rooms, classrooms, halls and stairways to a pulsing pop beat. Moving in synch or free-style, pink-gloved teachers and staff gamely join the students in this rousing, school-wide campaign.
As participants in the American Cancer Society’s 2011 High School Challenge, the students created the video to drum up support — and donations — in advance of the Boston Making Strides Against Breast Cancer fundraising event. The students then walked along the Charles River to raise almost $20,000 for the American Cancer Society.
Inspired by the staff of Providence St. Vincent Medical Center in Oregon, whose 2009 “Pink Glove Dance” video went viral, Ursuline Academy brings spirit to the battle against breast cancer.