Siddhartha Mukherjee, MD, DPhil, has a distinguished record of accomplishments despite his young age and his recent entry onto the national stage of research. He was an undergraduate at Stanford, where he won an appointment as a Rhodes Scholar. He earned a doctoral degree in biochemistry from Magdalen College at Oxford and then a medical degree from Harvard Medical School. In 2005 Dr. Mukherjee became a house officer in medicine at Mass General and was subsequently awarded a medical oncology fellowship at Mass General. During his training, Dr. Mukherjee began work on a history of cancer, a book that has had an explosive impact on the public perception of cancer and the efforts to treat and control the disease. The Emperor of All Maladies won the Pulitzer Prize in 2011 for its ability to bring science to the public in an engaging and compelling story. Time Magazine listed his book as one of the 100 best works of nonfiction since 1923. He has continued his research on stem cell biology and is currently an investigator at the Columbia University Medical Center in New York City.
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