Expert massage therapy is one of the wellness services provided by the HOPES Program at the Mass General Cancer Center. A trio of superb massage therapists — Michelle Boutin, Karen Ingwersen, RN, and Michael Keamy — integrate massage into many clinical areas, bringing patients healing therapies that improve their quality of life during treatment.
Michelle Boutin is an excellent communicator and educator who alleviates any concerns patients may have about massage as a treatment modality. She inspires confidence in patients and colleagues and is spot-on in determining a patient’s need — from a spirited discussion about the Bruins’ prospects to compassionate silence.
Karen Ingwersen is a skilled and sensitive clinician with a knack for building rapport with patients and families whether in an outpatient chemotherapy unit or when treating patients coping with a long hospital stay. Karen is also an oncology nurse and generously shares her knowledge and insights with colleagues.
Michael Keamy treats patients in the inpatient and infusion units. By providing massage prior to a needle stick or lumbar puncture, Michael relaxes the patient and the tissues, easing the procedure. His skill at explaining the benefits of massage and his calm, healing presence comfort distressed patients.
The HOPES Program massage therapy team is a vital presence throughout the Cancer Center.