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The one hundred honoree: Lorna Brunelle

Donor Story

The one hundred honoree: Lorna Brunelle

Mass General Giving

Boston Conservatory graduate Lorna Brunelle was stunned when, at age 33, she was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. A singer and actor since childhood, she faced the risk of losing her voice and career. Seven years later, Lorna is thriving as both an artist and educator.

Successful treatment at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary gave Lorna a second chance to use her voice — an opportunity she has used to encourage, educate and console others suffering with cancer. Lorna volunteers as a speaker, singer at benefits, and subject of articles, public service announcements and documentaries.

Among many other philanthropic activities, Lorna has raised $35,000 for the Chernobyl Children Project USA which places children from this contaminated region with host families while they receive free cancer treatment in Boston.

Lorna’s counsel reaches patients throughout the world via her website,, and her book, DIRTY BOMBSHELL–From Thyroid Cancer Back To Fabulous.

Cancer has taken the lives of many in Lorna’s family. She regards Barbara Smith, MD, PhD, Mass General physician and director of the hospital’s Breast Program, as her hero for the loving care she provided to her mother, who was treated for breast cancer. Lorna uses her gifts to help others find strength as they cope with cancer.