David Ebb, MD, is an extraordinary pediatric hematology-oncology physician. He is beloved by his patients and their families, and he is also a revered teacher. He has superb clinical skills, encyclopedic knowledge and the ability to impart his expertise in a most caring and thoughtful manner. Dr. Ebb’s knowledge and skill inspire unwavering trust.
“When our four-year-old grandson Michael was diagnosed with a brain tumor,” says the child’s grandmother, “Dr. Ebb became our lifeline to his future. His devoted care sustained us throughout our ordeal. While never downplaying the dangers, Dr. Ebb helped us all, including Michael, see the good outcome that we celebrate today.”
Yet when one young patient ran out of treatment options, Dr. Ebb took the time to read to her each day. Working with Partners in Health, he has taken extreme measures to bring children from underdeveloped countries to Mass General for cancer care. Dr. Ebb represents the best in all of us and contributes enormously to the well-being of children with cancer.