Andrew Leavitt was 15 years old in December 2004, when his mother, Ellen, died of breast cancer. Although Andrew’s years with his mother were few, they instilled in him a lifetime’s worth of strength, spirit and love.
As a young boy, Andrew struggled with learning disabilities, and his mother helped him gain confidence and excel in school. Starting at the age of 13, when she was suffering a relapse of breast cancer, Andrew raised substantial funds for breast cancer research and patient care through charity dances. He served as disc jockey at these school dances in his hometown, Concord, Mass., and drew hundreds of kids to the events. Andrew gave the proceeds to major cancer centers, as well as local breast cancer charities including the Avon Walk, Massachusetts General Hospital and the Virginia Thurston Healing Garden.
This year Andrew will be graduating from the Isenberg School of Management at University of Massachusetts Amherst and has taken on the role of executive director of Ellen’s Heart and Soul, his nonprofit organization, which plans fundraisers for breast cancer charities in honor of his mother.
“Inspired by his mother,” writes Maurice Leavitt, “my son is crafting a fulfilling life.”