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The one hundred honoree: Amy Mason

Donor Story

The one hundred honoree: Amy Mason

Mass General Giving

“Amy Mason is events manager for the Melanoma Foundation of New England and also volunteers her fund-raising talents in her community.

In 2004, Amy inaugurated the Bedford PanMass Challenge Kids and Teen Ride to benefit the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and the Jimmy Fund. Under her leadership, the Bedford event quickly became one of the top fund-raisers among 35 Kids Rides statewide.

Amy started the Kids Ride after participating in the PanMass Challenge, the adult version of the ride. Engaging the entire community, the Kids Ride involves children in civic philanthropy as they cycle for a cause, dedicating their ride to a “pedal partner” — a child with cancer. Many local merchants conduct event-related promotions that raise both visibility and money for the Kids Ride, which receives 100 percent of their proceeds.

Residents young and old take part in the all-volunteer event, including neighbors along the routes cheering kids on, leaders of riding groups, parents serving pre-ride meals and the event committee, which is chaired by Amy.

In 2009, Amy launched Bedford Angels, a chapter of the Neighbor Brigade, a group of volunteers helping neighbors in need.