At the Mass General Cancer Center, we’re dedicated to creating a brighter future for patients with cancer and their families. Join us for the Mass General Cancer Center Eversource 5k Run-Walk on Sunday, September 15, 2024!
Funds raised through the Mass General Cancer Center Eversource 5k Run-Walk support the Mass General Cancer Center, a leader in personalized medicine, early-detection technologies and innovative supportive care. Discoveries made at Mass General benefit cancer patients worldwide.
The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically altered many aspects of our daily lives, including the ways in which we access healthcare. At the Mass General Cancer Center, we remain dedicated to the safety of our patients, clinicians and staff as we continue to conduct clinical research and provide lifesaving, necessary cancer care. Philanthropy is more crucial than ever in supporting these efforts and expanding the boundaries of what will be possible tomorrow.
Event Details
Sunday, September 15, 2024 Registration opens at 7:30 am. Races begin at 9:00 am. Complimentary breakfast hosted by the Four Seasons Hotel Boston will be available after the Race!
DISTANCE: 5k Run, 5k Walk, 100-Yard Kids’ Dash. LOCATION: DCR Hatch Memorial Shell REGISTRATION FEE: $50 for 5K Run or Walk, $25 for Kids’ Dash SUGGESTED FUNDRAISING GOALS: $500 per individual PROGRAM: We will hear from our sponsors, leaders and friends of the Mass General Cancer Center and we will announce our top fundraisers and finishers!
Join or Create a Team
Honor or support a loved one in their fight against cancer. Run together with your family and friends to support the Mass General Cancer Center in our journey to provide a better future for patients with cancer. Use the search function to find your team or click here to create a new one.
Sponsor the Mass General Cancer Center Eversource 5k Run-Walk
Become a sponsor today. Click on the sponsorship level below to view sponsorship package details and purchase. For more information, contact Cailyn Chiccuarelli at
Sponsorship Level
Platinum Sponsor:
Up to 50 complimentary race entries
Prominent logo placement or name listing on the race t-shirt, event website, race-day signage
Prominent exhibit space at the Everyday Amazing Race on September 15, 2024*
Presenting Sponsor of one component of the race (i.e. Kids’ Corner, Finish Line, Start Line)
Opportunity to host one of two water stops along the course
Opportunity for your team to partner with a patient from the Mass General Cancer Center
Opportunity to have company branding on social media corner on race day
Opportunity to have a private tour of Mass General
Program ad signage along the course
* Sponsor is responsible for setting up and staffing exhibit space if desired. This space is for promotional purposes only and cannot be used to sell goods or services onsite. Sponsors may distribute small items with their name/logo but may not distribute marketing materials that include coupons, discounts or the pricing of their goods or services.
Gold Sponsor:
Up to 25 complimentary race entries
Logo placement or name listing on the race t-shirt, event website and race-day signage
Exhibit space at the Everyday Amazing Race on September 15, 2024*
Opportunity for your team to partner with a patient from the Mass General Cancer Center
Opportunity to have company branding on social media corner on race day
Opportunity to have a private tour of Mass General
Program ad signage along the course
* Sponsor is responsible for setting up and staffing exhibit space if desired. This space is for promotional purposes only and cannot be used to sell goods or services onsite. Sponsors may distribute small items with their name/logo but may not distribute marketing materials that include coupons, discounts or the pricing of their goods or services.
Silver Sponsor:
Up to 10 complimentary race entries
Logo placement or name listing on the race t-shirt, event website and race day signage
Exhibit space at the Everyday Amazing Race on September 15, 2024*
Opportunity to have a private tour of Mass General in your area of interest
Program ad signage along the course
* Sponsor is responsible for setting up and staffing exhibit space if desired. This space is for promotional purposes only and cannot be used to sell goods or services onsite. Sponsors may distribute small items with their name/logo but may not distribute marketing materials that include coupons, discounts or the pricing of their goods or services.
Bronze Sponsor:
Up to 5 complimentary race entries
Logo placement or name listing on the race t-shirt, event website and race day signage
Exhibit space at the race on September 15, 2024*
Program ad signage along the course
* Sponsor is responsible for setting up and staffing exhibit space if desired. This space is for promotional purposes only and cannot be used to sell goods or services onsite. Sponsors may distribute small items with their name/logo but may not distribute marketing materials that include coupons, discounts or the pricing of their goods or services.
Yes, $50 for 5K Run or Walk and $25 for Kids’ Dash.
We are asking individuals to raise $500. This is a suggested goal but participants will be able to set their own goals while setting up their fundraising pages. If you have any questions about fundraising, please contact us.
Nothing! We appreciate your efforts and any amount you raise will help advance research and care at the Mass General Cancer Center.
Yes, the Kids’ Dash is open to all children age 8 and under.
The 5K route stretches from the Hatch Shell to the Outdoor Gym and back with two water stops along the route. It is a beautiful run on the Esplanade along the Charles River!
Strollers may be used in the 5K Walk only. They are not permitted in the 5K Run or Kids’ Dash.
Racewire will be on site and track all 5K Run participants and their timing.
There are a variety of parking options in the Mass General and Hatch Shell areas. Parking will not be validated.
Yes! Registration opens at 7:30 am.
The races begin at 9:00 am.
The Four Seasons Hotel Boston generously hosts a breakfast for all participants after the Race.
Yes! There will be fundraising incentive prizes offered to all participants up until Race day. To be considered as one of the top fundraisers, all fundraising dollars must be received by 5:00 pm on September 9. We will announce the top fundraisers at the Race.
Please see our how-to guide for using your dashboard. If you have any questions or need any additional help, please contact us.
We encourage all participants to solicit donations via their web pages for the fastest donation processing and most up to date totals. In the case of offline gifts, checks should be made payable to “Mass General Cancer Center” with “Mass General Cancer Center Eversource 5k Run-Walk” and the participant’s name in the memo field. Please mail offline gifts to: Mass General Cancer Center Eversource 5k Run-Walk c/o Mass General Development Office, 125 Nashua Street, Suite 540, Boston, MA 02114. If you have question about offline donations, please contact us.
Yes – to send a personalized thank you message to your donors just log in to your account and visit your dashboard.
You must visit the participant’s page directly or use the drop-down menu to locate the participant’s page to make a gift in support of a specific runner/walker. Any gift made on the participant’s personal fundraising page will be credited to that person. The gift should appear immediately. If you have any issues with a gift appearing on the participant’s page, please contact us.
Many companies match charitable gifts made by their employees, retirees and directors. Please consult your company’s human resources department to learn if your workplace matches gifts to hospitals and how you can request a matching gift. Your company will contact Mass General directly to confirm your gift. For more information about matching gifts, please contact us.
Yes, you can choose to be anonymous when completing the online gift form.
Yes. After selecting a donation amount, please check the box next to “Dedicate my donation in honor or in memory of someone” and fill out the tribute form.